Single Adults
Singles Support Program
The Singles Support Program provides support to single adults who are living in transitional housing, though also has the capacity to provide outreach support. The aim of the program is to secure safe long term stable accommodation for single adults.
What we offer:
- Help to secure long-term accommodation either in private rental, public, community housing
- Assistance to address the barriers that may prevent access to long term accommodation
- Case managed support
- Assistance to develop the skills to live independently
- Referrals to specialist services when required.
- Adults aged over 25 years of age
- Singles who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
- Adults willing to participate in the support program
- Adults in receipt of an independent income
- Capacity to manage independent living;
Contact the access point, Unison who will complete an assessment, and if deemed appropriate, and a vacancy exists, the person will be referred to Wombat’s Singles Support Program.
An assessment will be completed with the support worker to confirm eligibility.
You can also chat to WomBot
WomBot is an Artificially Intelligent (AI), chatbot where you can access information on emergency accommodation, private rental, material aid & issues with your current accommodation 24/7. It can also link you in with support. You can access WomBot by going to the 'Chat to WomBot' icon on the lower right hand side of the page.