LGBTIQA+ Homelessness & Family Violence
LGBTIQA+ Homelessness & Family Violence Project
The LGBTIQA+ Homelessness and Family Violence Project was established in 2018 as a 12-month pilot project funded by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Family Safety Victoria (FSV). The aim of the project in this initial stage was to gather information from the housing and homelessness sector about gaps in knowledge, resources and supports, as well as document experiences of LGBTIQA+ people who faced challenges when seeking support for homelessness and family violence. Once this information was collected, a training package was developed and delivered to housing, homelessness and family violence services across the Western Metropolitan Region.
In 2019, FSV announced they would refund the project until June 2020 with a range of new deliverables. The aim of this stage was to build on the information and resources from the first stage and expand on them, making them accessible to broader regions across the state through a range of different resource formats. Partnerships and networks that were established in the first stage of the project were utilised to relay the project’s initial outcomes, and new resources were developed collaboratively with other professionals in the LGBTIQA+ sector.
In June 2020, the now Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (formerly the Department of Health and Human Services) in the Western Metropolitan Region provided funding for a further 12 months to focus on the care and protection sector. This stemmed from the lived experience of a young person involved in previous stages of the project, who reported having negative experiences at each stage of his journey through the out of home care system. This stage of the project included four online introductory training sessions, two advanced practice training sessions and update resources specific to the care and protection sector.
You can read the LGBTIQA+ 2020-2021 Project report here.
Where can I go for help or more information?
If you are someone who identifies as LGBTIQA+, you can visit LGBTI Housing & Homelessness Projects for a comprehensive list of resources, supports and programs available.
If you are a service provider looking for more information, resources and referral options, you can visit LGBTI Housing & Homelessness Projects

Information for case workers
This video will provide you with some information about what family violence, homelessness &/or mental health issues might look like amongst LGBTIQ+ young people and some things you need to keep in mind when working with them.
Useful resources for workers:
These are some examples of conversations you may need to have with clients or staff in and around asking around LGBTIQA+ identities, responding to complaints, responding to discrimination, respecting confidentiality, as well as some broad examples of using inclusive language. This list is not exhaustive and aims to provide a framework of how to respond to particular scenarios.
Below is a brief guide to some of the terminology used in this practice guide and by the LGBTIQA+ community. It is important to note that many of these terms are fluid and ever-evolving, and may mean different things to different people.
A practical guide to LGBTIQ+ inclusion in homelessness, housing and family violence services
Information for young people
This video explores what services exist to support young LGBTIQ+ people experiencing family violence, homelessness &/or mental health issues. What you can expect when you get support from these services & what your rights are.