Location & Contact Details
- Phone: 8327 2222
- Freecall: 1800 887 775
- Email: wombat@wombat.org.au
- 191 Melrose Street, North Melbourne (Cnr Flemington Rd and Melrose St)
- PO BOX 1183 Kensington 3031
Please note that the physical drop-in service at our office has been discontinued. However, Wombat will continue to provide information and resources via the phone numbers and email above, available daily from 10am to 4:30pm.
Alternatively, you can chat to WomBot! WomBot is an automated, chatbot where you can access information on emergency accommodation, private rental, material aid & issues with your current accommodation 24/7. WomBot can also link you in with a support worker for further advice & information. You can access WomBot by going to the 'Chat to WomBot' icon on the lower right hand side of the page.

Getting to Wombat
By Train
Flemington Bridge Railway Station (Upfield Line) If you are coming from the Western Suburbs you can change at North Melbourne ( Walk – turn right into Boundary Rd, turn left into Racecourse Rd, then turn left into Flemington Rd)
By Tram
Tram Route 59or 57 from Elizabeth St City Get Off at Stop 20 (Cnr Flemington Rd and Melrose St)