Private Rental Resources

Rental Inspections

It’s really important to make a good impression when going to a rental inspection – this will increase your chances of a successful application. Small things can make a big difference. In this section we provide you with some tips & advice on how to prepare for a rental inspection.

Speak to the Agent

Before you go to the rental inspection download the application form or if there is not one on the listing, contact the real estate agent to request an application form by email. This way the agent will also know who you are when you go to the rental inspection because you have already spoken.

Be organised & ready

Have all your documents ready. Complete the Rental Pack section of this website which will help you organise all the documents you will need for an application. Take you rental pack along with a filled-out application so you can submit your application on the day of viewing if possible.

Application tips

When completing the application follow these simple rules:

  • Try to write as neat as you can and keep the paper tidy (no coffee stains, crumpled, smelling of smoke etc).
  • Fill in the application form properly. An incomplete application form could mean you are not considered for the property.
  • Answer the questions honestly & check for spelling mistakes.
  • Return the application form as soon as possible after the rental inspection.

Make a good impression

The approval of your application is up to the real estate agent & the landlord. Making a good impression increases your chances of a successful application. Little things can make a big difference such as some of the following:

  • Arrive on time for the inspection, introduce yourself to the real estate agent & answer any questions politely.
  • You can also prepare some questions to ask the real estate agent.
  • Wear clean & appropriate clothes

Do a follow up

If you haven’t heard anything within 48 hours after submitting your application, don’t be shy to follow up with the real estate agent/landlord. If you are unsuccessful contact the real estate agent and ask for feedback on your application or what you can do to improve your chances. Ask if they have any other properties that you could apply for.

You may need to apply for multiple properties.  It can take many attempts to be approved, so don’t get disheartened! Keep trying – you’ve got this!

Private Rental Resources