Managing conflict in a mature way
Having an argument or disagreement with someone can be really hard but if we learn how to manage conflict the right way, we are more likely to reach a compromise. To learn more, follow the information below.
To learn how to manage conflict in a mature way and hopefully find a solution for everyone
Let's start with why this is important:
- conflict is going to happen all the time, if you learn to manage it though it you may even improve the relationship or the situation
- managing difficult conversations can reduce stress, anxiety and depression levels, and anyone can learn how to do it
Conflict arrises in a number of different ways such as when you have a different opinion to someone else, you have a set of different beliefs such as religious, personal or spiritual or there is a misunderstanding where one person has understood something different to the other.

For video transcript, click here.
What to do next
Feeling angry, try these
The next time you get into a situation where you feel angry and annoyed try to use one of these techniques:
- count backwards from 10 - 0, you can do it in your head or out loud
- Take three really deep big breaths before you speak again
- Where possible, tell the person or situation where the conflict occurred that you would like to speak about it in a day or so. This gives you time to calm down and think about how you feel
Look after yourself
If you are feeling stressed, upset or overwhelmed by the conflict. Take time out to look after yourself. You can:
- go for a walk
- listen to music
- call a friend you trust to talk about it
- do something you enjoy like playing basketball or eating doughnuts
Improve your listening skills
Try to practice at least two of these the next time you speak to someone. The better you listen the better you are able to understand the problem.
More Information & Services
It can be tough dealing with conflict, if you need to talk to someone about what is happening here are a number of services to contact:
CALL KIDS HELPLINE 1800 55 1800, anyone aged from 5-25 is encouraged to call if they need someone to talk to about their problems.
CALL QLIFE 1800 184 527 (3pm to midnight AEST)
QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex and/or queer (LGBTIQ+).
CALL 13 YARN 13 92 76, a 24/7 national crisis support line for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.