
Report a crime

If you witness or are a victim of a crime it is important you report this to the police. There are many supports including financial assistance for victims of crime. To find out how to report a crime and how to access these supports follow the guide below.


To know how to report a crime if I am the victim or a witness.

Let's start with why this is important:

  • by reporting crimes, you can help police solve crimes and stop further crimes being committed
  • victims of crime may experience emotional and financial difficulty including money stolen, discrimination, unstable housing, mental heath issues as a result of a crime they have experienced/witnessed.

Victims of crime have many support networks available to them including financial and emotional support such as:

What to do next

Report a crime online anonymously

Go to this webpage and choose "Start online report". Fill in the details and hit submit.

Take someone with you if you do decide to report a crime

For some people, the idea of reporting a crime can make them worried, scared or uncomfortable. You can have someone you trust, like a family member or friend, with you for support when you talk to police.

If the crime involved family violence or sexual assault, you may have already spoken to your doctor or someone else you trust. They can help you with what to do next.

What if I am not ready to report the crime?

Although there are good reasons to report a crime, you may not be ready to report the crime but you can:

  • discuss your options with police before formally reporting a crime
  • contact the Victims of Crime Helpline for support and advice on how to keep safe.

More Information & Services

To get in contact with your nearest Victims Assistance and Counselling Program, call the Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817 or check out the contact details online.


Open 8am–11pm, every day

Call 1800 819 817

Text 0427 767 891


If you have experienced any of the following:

  • forced, unwanted sex, sexual acts or touching
  • child sexual abuse: using power over a child or adolescent to involve them in sexual activity
  • indecent assault: touching, or threatening to touch, someone else’s body sexually without their consent.

You are a victim of sexual assault. Here is a list of services that can support you if you are ready to reach out:

1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732, a confidential 24 hour hotline for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or domestic violence.

SEXUAL ASSAULT CRISIS LINE VICTORIA 1800 806 292, a confidential 24 hour hotline for anyone who has experienced sexual assault.

NATIONAL DISABILITY ABUSE AND NEGLECT LINE  1800 880 052, a confidential 24 hour hotline to report abuse or neglect of a disabled person.

LIFELINE 13 11 14, a 24 hour hotline for when you are in crisis or having suicidal thoughts.


1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732, a confidential 24 hour hotline for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or domestic violence.


If you or someone you know is experiencing or afraid of family and domestic violence, you can contact Safe Steps for support. 24/7 Victoria-wide service.

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